Thursday, November 25, 2010

Father of all books: Facebook

August 2010

Started in 2004 in a dorm room of Harvard; Facebook now peeps into the dormitory of ‘almost every institution of the world’ and beyond.

50,00,00,000 – 50 crores is the number of people who are the enthusiastic users of the website. Every time we surf the net, an automated reminder system comes to life guiding our fingers to type f-a-c-e-b-o-o-k-.-c-o-m before leaving. From everyday conversations to ‘googling’ quotes, we try to capture a phrase so as to make it our facebook status message. We are so embroiled in writing on walls, poking, commenting, ‘liking’, tagging etc. etc. that we don’t even get enough time to think about how these petty things are changing the way we live.

The reason why the website is way ahead of its counterparts is that it gives unprecedented access to public figures and celebrities, has never-ending game list, allows photo and video sharing, tweeting, chatting, mailing all in a single environment. In India, till now we have seen facebook only as a platform for social networking. Not many of us know that Chris Hughes, co-founder of facebook helped Barack Obama in his ‘online election campaign’ via facebook.

Talking about money, most of Facebook's revenues come from Credits and advertisements that are displayed on the website's various applications. Facebook Credits is a program and ‘virtual currency’ that users use to buy ‘virtual goods’ in games and applications on Facebook. A user receives 10 credits for every dollar that they spend and some percentage of the money goes to Facebook.

Facebook is certainly a creation in itself, thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. Like Google has become synonymous with ‘search’, facebook will soon supersede the word ‘communication’. But the sorry part is, instead of the world taking over facebook, the latter is engulfing the former and people are forgetting that it’s only our ‘want’ and not ‘need’.


  1. Great Article.......i really agree that Faebook is our WANT but not NEED........but it is really a wonderful source of communication for the people who live far away or cant stay in touch with others via phone or any other means of telecommunications.........keep of luck........:-)

  2. its a fact that if teenagers are kept away from internet and mobiles phones for more than 24 hours they show the same withdrawal symptoms that smokers do when trying to quit.. and we having to type in our comments and articles rather than writing them are also part of it i guess :)
